• Tiếng Việt


How Leaders Around The World Build Multicultural Beliefs

In the meanwhile, leaders from all over the world are starting to communicate more often with their employees. However, with cultures having different codes of conduct, building trust among individuals to work together is also quite difficult. So the question is: “How to build cross-cultural trust between individuals when working together?”. After group interviewing with more than 400 senior managers in the US, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, there are some reasons to believe that three things which make up a trust relationship are: Positive and rightful mindsets, Understanding the context that affects colleagues, Acquiring the importance of

How Could Corporate Culture Integrate Into The Entire Employee?

Today’s leaders are aware of the corporate culture that is a type of corporate asset that they need to take care of and maintain. The problem is, they often do not receive careful guidance on how to properly build a corporate culture. Sometimes, well-known senior managers do not really create a connection between them and their subordinates to solve business problems. This relatively large gap appears when there is a difference between the leader’s knowledge about problems his subordinate interested in and the actual cultural reality of the business. Fortunately, it is not difficult to narrow this gap if the

3 Types Of Decisions That Actually Helps Leaders Shape Out Their Companies

A recent survey showed that there are more than 1,200 senior managers at global companies feeling uncertain throughout the decision making process: from process-making to keeping pace with each decision and outputs of that decision. Nearly 50% of respondents said that decision making was timely, but 61% said that more than half of the time spent on decision making was ineffective. The opportunity cost of this is huge: about 530,000 workdays of senior managers who are squandered if they are in the Fortune 500 companies, equivalent to $ 250 million for the time of decision-making only. Here are three keys

The Digital Era: Are Millenials Ready To Lead?

Millennials – people born during the period 1980 – 1998, are occupying the majority of the workforce not only in Vietnam but also globally. This generation is gradually becoming leaders and managers in businesses. Born in the digital age, with the opportunity to interact with technology more than the previous generation, but are Millennials ready to become leaders of the 4.0 era? Born in the technology era Unlike previous generations like Gen X or Baby Boomers, Millennials are generations born when technology thrives with breakthroughs that change people’s lives and behaviors. However, to lead an organization, all generations are facing

The Importance Of Coaching And Mentoring (Part 1)

In today’s time, coaching and mentoring have become extremely necessary in the operations of businesses of all sizes. More and more companies are adopting these development approaches as they can bring numerous benefits to not only the coachees or mentees but also coaches, mentors, and the organization as a whole is definitely not an exception. Wherever these are used, their success depends on various factors, including organizational culture, the skills and competencies of the mentor or coach, as well as the emphasis on learning and development in the organizational context. Understanding coaching and mentoring Coaching and mentoring help develop and

Good Work And How To Achieve It

In the last few years, finding leaders’ innovative and creative talents has become an arms race. In order to attract the best and smartest people, whether young or old, companies need to seek answers to questions that come from the practicalities of daily life about the value of human activity at work. Since then, the definition of “Good work” was born. The “Good Work” that people desire must include the following two values: learning valuable experiences and desires to contribute to employees’ own values to their companies. Today, how do people define “good work“? First of all, it is considered

3 Pieces Of Advice When Planning A Big Change In The Company

Currently, many businesses are starting to plan strategies by spending months searching for data, exploring the market to seek opportunities and challenges, thereby making appropriate plans. Successful strategies come primarily from the core development in productivity growth, merger, and acquisition processes in time, along with rational resource distribution, thereby boosting core productivity of the business. Here are 3 powerful shifts starting from the decisions of successful strategies. Acceptance needs to change reality instead of gaining consent The goal of most strategic discussions is usually to agree or reject a proposal that is brought to the meeting room. Suggestions for other