How Could Corporate Culture Integrate Into The Entire Employee?
5 yearsago 0 Comments 1.5k Views
Today’s leaders are aware of the corporate culture that is a type of corporate asset that they need to take care of and maintain. The problem is, they often do not receive careful guidance on how to properly build a corporate culture. Sometimes, well-known senior managers do not really create a connection between them and their subordinates to solve business problems. This relatively large gap appears when there is a difference between the leader’s knowledge about problems his subordinate interested in and the actual cultural reality of the business. Fortunately, it is not difficult to narrow this gap if the leader has enough insight into the business they are operating and the daily behaviors that everyone in the company performs. Understanding these two things, they can open up new opportunities to achieve business goals – and trusted allies join them.
The proportion of C-suites who think culture is a priority in the company agenda
In the book “The Critical Few: Energize Your Company’s Culture by What Really Matters“, author Jon Katzenbach, Gretchen Anderson and James Thomas have proposed a viable method to reinforce a richer corporate culture. This process includes:
- Collect and select views
- Gather appropriate ones
- Narrow them down to the goals and steps that can be achieved
- Attach these steps with strategic goals to measure the success of the corporate culture.
Leaders can also follow these steps to know what they need to do next when building a corporate culture. Here are 4 of the most feasible – based on the theories mentioned in books and practices from many different companies to help businesses narrow the gap between management and their subordinates.
1. Limit the goal of building a corporate culture into what is most feasible
Regardless of any organization’s leader, they must be aware of the current state of the business, forming initial but clear ideas to get the transition plans needed to support his strategic objectives. Cultural advances that are not linked to the company’s strategy and operational model are not solid cultures.
However, there are many leaders who are not realism. They created long lists of characteristics and traits that they wanted to see at the company and forced their subordinates to follow that framework. But that is not the way employees develop, nor the way the corporate culture works. Some elements of corporate culture will specifically support a certain strategy, others will be influenced by it. For example, a recent electricity company is looking for some truly radical corporate culture. The leader of the company thought that they should follow some models of technology companies for their creativity, and “borrow” them for implementation for their businesses. However, they will soon realize that this is not beneficial because they should, and can completely create innovations with their inherent strengths. The technology industry in general, includes big bets, trials that prove “dose” and seemingly unimaginable goals. In contrast, electricity companies need a certain level of reliability, the safety of users and employees needs to be enhanced, the regulations are always associated with them. Therefore, a startup culture will certainly not last long. Instead, the electric company serves its customers by starting to understand the strengths of their corporate culture, such as being proud of constantly improving their power supply performance.
2. Use emotions as a bridge
The transformation of corporate culture always needs connections – the connection between strategy and culture, between leaders and the whole company. But how can the leader tie the link between their renewed excitement and the concern of the rest? By setting and tracking the emotions of the workforce. Leaders will need to listen to people’s minds to understand their current state of the corporate culture. Many leaders are very difficult to touch the emotions of workers to transform into cultural revolutions. They are taught to have rational analysis and negotiations based on available data; Emotional engagement is outside their comfort zone. But when they can create a positive response from their subordinates, the AILs (who do not have any great titles, but possess leadership qualities as a model for people to follow, or connecting people with each other) will stand up and help them build strong foundations. Positive emotional energy sources will help employees reach farther, despite the limits of financial incentives. The specific strengths of businesses will be a significant source to develop this energy, thereby helping people work harder to help businesses better.
3. Closely engage and empower AIL
As mentioned above, the best way to hear the “heartbeat” of the business is to hear from AILs. These employees have an employee perspective on how things work in the business. Their contributions will help leaders have more valuable allies. They can identify shortcomings in public company culture, thereby helping leaders patch these holes.
But how can AILs assist leaders in integrating culture into the daily work of employees? First, listen to their stories. A healthcare company holding a big launch event brings together many AIL in the company. Participants of up to 25 people make it difficult for people to speak more. But when the CEO of the healthcare company asked a little question – “What do you love about this company?” – They were so excited and surprisingly passionate. People share stories, the pride they hold when working and how they help this company overcome the difficult times of the company. These will usually not be recorded on the bulletin board of the business or anywhere else. By taking the time to listen to how they devote themselves to the company, the leader can understand the true feelings in the business, the emotions that motivate the tremendous change.
4. Model yourself for better behaviors
In addition to promoting the role of AILs in corporate culture innovation plans, true leaders also make an important contribution. After all, the behavior of formal leaders is often the standard that subordinates can see and follow. Therefore, when they do exactly what they have outlined, it is highly likely that the employees will also contribute to amplifying them to the entire company. If leaders are not really in sync with what they say and what they do, there is a high risk that AIL will feel discord in the corporate culture.

Bridging the culture gap is an important issue to look on nowadays
The four ways to make changing corporate culture easier have been mentioned are relatively practical ways for leaders to find the rational and emotional issues that exist in their company. When taking these steps constantly, leaders will easily become role models according to the business culture they want to lead. Today, awareness of the importance of corporate culture to the success of the company is increasing. Corporate culture is now in its heyday. But be careful: Do not consider corporate culture as a buzzword in management because, when doing the above, the leader is going to be aware of the corporate culture as a fact and long-lasting one. Corporate culture will lead to an organization that can grow and is successful.
According to Strategy+Business
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