Warren Bennis, one of the founders of the modern study of leadership, was known for this provocative statement: “I don’t know if leadership can be taught … but I believe it can be learned.” Bennis believed that leaders are formed via “crucible moments”: formative events, critical struggles, or serious challenges that force people to learn, grow and think differently about themselves. However, most of us don’t get to experience “crucible moments” on a regular basis—which is probably a good thing, since these events can be exhausting and disruptive! In the absence of crucibles, how can you catalyze your own development
Management – Leadership
Building 5 Characteristics of a Positive Workplace Culture
3 yearsago 0 Comments 1.3k Views
Workplace culture is powerful. Research from Deloitte shows that 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a positive workplace culture is essential to business success. Aside from high pay and benefits, modern-day job seekers want companies with a great work environment that makes showing up each day enjoyable. Not only does a positive workplace culture help attract and retain employees, but it also has a direct impact on a company’s success. While every workplace is different, companies with happy employees tend to have a few basic things in common. Here are five characteristics of a positive workplace culture that
HR Leaders Share What They’ve Learned About Big Data
3 yearsago 0 Comments 814 Views
As AI continues to change the way businesses make decisions and chart their growth, more and more executives (including HR executives) are realizing the benefits. Benefits of using smart tools and platforms to guide and manage your day-to-day business. Here are 9 members of the Forbes Human Resources Council revealing what surprised them the most about the big data trend as they embraced it and started seeing positive results. 1. It Impacts Decision Making When big data aids your recruiting, says Kelsey Habich, Mission Critical Solutions, it uncovers bias issues at all levels that affect your organization, especially when related
What Should Managers Do Towards Executive Management in 2022?
3 yearsago 0 Comments 1.8k Views
C-level jobs often require extensive experience demonstrated in many specific, specific areas and skills. If you’ve made a C-level position your career goal, then you need to hit a number of milestones along the way. But how can you effectively position yourself for these roles? Hopefully, this article will give you a more detailed look at how you can work your way toward a career in executive management, whatever your industry. 1. Gain industry and management experience Not all companies hire C-level managers from outside, in many cases senior management can compete for the role of C-level manager. To go
How To Transform Your Mindset From Powerless To Powerful, Even When It Feels Impossible
3 yearsago 0 Comments 834 Views
2021 is indeed a very difficult year, many business owners have become helpless in fighting the epidemic. That can already take a toll on our mental health, even for seasoned entrepreneurs. Peace Uche, PhD, Pharmacist, business coach, author and co-founder of TribeX NFT Insider, has guided thousands of clients from feeling helpless to empowering and empowering. shares her 4-step process for a proven process to do just that. #1. Make A Golden Gratitude List One of the reasons why people feel stuck is because the external world has made them forget who they are. This powerless feeling makes everything seem
4 Tech Experts Share How to Rapidly Build and Scale Remote Teams
3 yearsago 0 Comments 1.5k Views
Currently, many people are switching to remote work because the epidemic situation has not shown any signs of stopping. Of course, telecommuting is very flexible, offers a large amount of autonomy, and allows the person to live anywhere with an internet connection. While this new lifestyle may seem perfect at first glance, there are challenges associated with scaling any type of business, and this is no different for remote teams. Below, four tech experts share some tips they’ve used to help scale their own remote businesses and achieve high levels of success. Who are our 4 experts? Jesse Schoberg Jesse
How Anyone Can Create A Great Team With New Science
3 yearsago 0 Comments 928 Views
From the problem that why do some teams consistently deliver high performance while other seemingly identical teams struggle? Scientists have identified three main communication drivers that influence performance: energy, interaction, and discovery. From the data, they accurately quantified the ideal team types for each person. 1. Overcoming the Limits of Observation and Sociometric Data Traditional management by observation simply cannot capture every nuance of human behavior in an entire group. It is then difficult for managers to understand why the performance of each group is different despite having the same resources. However, recent advances in sensor and wireless technology have