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Jack Le

Is AI Really A Job Killer? These Experts Say No

If you believe all the doom and gloom in the news today, you might think automation and the deployment of AI-enabled systems at work will replace scores of jobs worldwide. But management and technology experts Thomas Davenport and Steven Miller argue that AI is not a job destroyer — no matter what other predictions might say. Yes, AI and intelligent technology will take over some jobs, but that will free up workers to do more challenging and important work. Tom and Steven recently completed a book on this topic called Working with AI: Real Stories of Human-Machine Collaboration, and I got the

The CEO’s Role Is Changing. What It Takes To Get The Top Job Now?

The mission of a CEO used to be fairly straightforward. Set the vision and strategy of your company and make sure the right people are in the right roles. Be sensitive to the needs of employees, customers, suppliers and others in your orbit but make shareholders your top priority. Above all else, grow as fast and as big as you can. But as the world has changed, so have the demands of the CEO job— and the skills needed to succeed in it. Between the pandemic and polarization, climate change and cancel culture, the role has evolved in ways that

These 14 Tips Help You Building Brand Awareness In A New Market

Whether you’re opening up shop in a new city, diversifying your offerings or creating a new mission and core values for your company, expanding brand awareness and growing your business in a new market can be challenging. To be successful and win over consumers who aren’t familiar with your brand yet, your business must become recognizable and resonate with the target audience you’re trying to reach. Below, 14 Forbes Coaches Council members share tips to help established companies expand brand awareness when entering a new market. 1. Build Partnerships With Other Brands In The Space Building alliances and partnerships with like-minded companies

A Remote Work Model Challenges Employers And Employees

The COVID-19 pandemic sent employers and their staff home to work starting in 2020. Many people who hadn’t previously experienced remote work had the opportunity to try it out. Now, organizations are clear that the majority of their employees don’t want to spend a full 40 hours in the office. And, to attract the best talent, organizations are allowing remote work. While a remote schedule may seem like a great tool for employee flexibility, it can pose challenges. At Allsup Employment Services (AES), many of the individuals with disabilities we assist in returning to the workforce have remote work schedules.

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How confident is Apple about the success of the iPhone 14 Series?

Not only analysts, Apple itself also expects the iPhone 14 series to sell better than the iPhone 13 series. Undeniably, the iPhone 13 Series has made a big splash when it has consistently topped the smartphone sales charts. And according to the report, Apple expects bigger and better things from the upcoming iPhone 14 series. This year, Apple will offer iPhone 14 (6.1-inch screen), iPhone 14 Plus/iPhone 14 Max (6.7-inch screen), iPhone 14 Pro (6.1-inch screen) and iPhone 14 Pro Max. (6.7 inch screen). And the company is drawing a fine line between iPhone Pro and affordable iPhone models this

12 Jobs Which Women Win on Gender Pay

Even with more women settling into the role of family breadwinner, the gender pay gap only rarely settles in their favor. Today, 23 percent of women earn more than their husbands, up from 4 percent who did in 1960, according to a Pew Research Center study released this week. But that’s not necessarily an indication that women are earning more. Comparing full-time, year-round workers, women earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn, said Dana Britton, director of the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers University in Newark, N.J. In 1960, the gap was about 61 cents to the dollar.