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Chief Digital Officer – Challenges Need To Overcome

Many businesses are beginning to look for a leader who is responsible for managing and fostering the transformation of traditional business models to digital. Here are the trends and challenges that businesses will face when defining the role and importance of this leader – Chief Digital Officer. Who will be a Chief Digital Officer? Basically, this C-suite level will be responsible for creating and directing the growth of businesses by transforming traditional business processes into digital ones by taking advantage of tools, platforms, technology, services smartly. The difference between a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO) is

Data Culture: Culture Of The Business In The Future

In the period that 4.0 industrial revolution is the topic of lively talk in every corner of life, the role, and importance of data analysis to make business decisions are gradually growing exponentially. Until now, data has been and will be an essential part of changing businesses in particular and current industries in general. Therefore, the data culture in the company becomes a trend that businesses and corporations around the world care about. What is data culture? Businesses with a data-driven approach will largely depend on a large amount of information, along with analyses and predictions to strengthen and speed