Health is not merely a disease but also a positive state of physical, mental and social well-being (WHO, 1986). The performance of an employee will be reflected in their health status. An employee who has a balanced life and possesses good health will always bring better results. Understanding the reasons affecting health, such as work stress will help us to overcome the deteriorating health status, exhaustion, and better dedication to better results. What is work-related stress? According to the World Health Organization, WHO, work-related stress is defined as: It is the reaction that employees face before the work requirements and
Subscribed: Why The Subscription Model Will Be Your Company’s Future – And What To Do About It – Book Review
5 yearsago 0 Comments 1.3k Views
After reading through different books on training soft skills and professional skills needed for my career development, I realized that almost no one has written books about Marketing anymore. Marketing is not dead, it must be. However, if I say a book about how to create an advertising banner, or guide from A to Z to make a 30-second promotional video so eye-catching is Marketing, I think that’s not true. Marketers always day-to-day face the challenges of how the journey of consumer experience goes smoothly, from online to offline. Therefore, books that mention these experiences often stir up and do
Workaholics and surprising fact about their health
6 yearsago 0 Comments 2.4k Views
Do leaders in their time recognize “special” employees when they spend more time on work than necessary? And when not in the office, is work their only concern? If a leader sees that, chances are these employees are workaholics, and this is not a good sign. But surprisingly, the most recent studies show that workaholics are good for their health. Who are Workaholics? The definition of workaholics has appeared many years ago, mainly based on the motivation, cognition, emotion, and behaviors of workaholics to accurately identify their desires at work. There are many reasons for overwork: Motivation: Workaholics are often
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a pretty metaphor for Peter Drucker as he considers the importance of corporate culture in making strategic decisions of businesses. The book “Rule Makers, Rule Breakers” by Michele Gelfand – a professor of psychology at the University of Maryland also started with this statement. Gelfand studied corporate culture and social norms for more than 20 years before releasing her favorite book. Do leaders ever wonder what the strategy of “burning platform” is a good way to help employees feel excited about participating and in company activities instead of leading them from start to finish?
6 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Take Advantage Of Stress And Turn It Into A Valuable Asset
6 yearsago 0 Comments 1.4k Views
At some time in one’s career, they will have to face workplace stress, which can interfere with their productivity and performance, jeopardize relationships, and even lead to serious physical and mental health issues. While these risks are real, research has shown that if managed appropriately, work strain might become a valuable asset to one and enhance their job satisfaction and performance as a whole. Understanding the source of stress and taking these crucial steps below will help entrepreneurs effectively regain control and thrive under difficult situations. What is stress? How does it affect people? Stress is a feeling that people