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Mia Bui

Social Media And Company Reputation Management

Every smart entrepreneur knows social media is the biggest opportunity – and the biggest risk – to every business. Consumers and employees now have a platform to share their opinions and experiences about a company or brand. While social media can be good for growing business and attracting new customers, it can also expose the business to negative publicity and criticism, affecting reputation and brand equity. If business owners are able to handle negativity effectively through good use of social media platforms, they could help protect the brands from damages of all types. Why is Online Reputation Management important to

Which Traits Creating An Exceptional Leader?

Every February during the past 35 years, the National Football League will start organizing training programs, to assess the skills of players before they join the season. Players will be evaluated through a number of tests on durability, muscle, and toughness. The selection of players for them to participate in the tournament will depend on their performance on this test. Therefore, it can be said that these tests are considered a leading factor for a player’s career orientation in the future. Similar to how NFL incorporates these qualities to predict future stars of the tournament, companies have also developed more

Strategy In The Digital Age: 5 Issues That Companies Often Overlook (Part 1)

Digital strategies of businesses often fail because of the lack of coherence with the essential changes of the economy, the movement of the industry or even the objective of the strategy itself. There are many large corporations that sometimes stand outside the digital revolution, leading to unforeseen changes in user behavior and technological advances that influence those behaviors. Consequently, corruption for businesses is something that can be predicted early. So, how do the strategies fail, while almost all businesses are very interested in such a digitized future? A McKinsey study has pointed out five common issues from these failure strategies.

The Surprising Science Of Meetings – Book Review

Aldous Huxley was wrong. Bad meetings – not mescaline – open the doors of perceptions. Disappointed meetings seem to have a strange human manipulation. At that time, the participant could do nothing but look around, nodding over, unconsciously checking the phone and nodding again. Such meetings are the strong inspiration for Steven G. Rogelberg to write the book “The Surprising Science of Meetings” – one of the most effective productivity meeting books ever. The authors of effective meeting guides often do not mention the impact of bad meetings. Instead, they often start with a series of statistics to catch readers’

Digital Transformation Is Not Merely A Technology Transformation (Part 1)

A recent survey of senior managers, CEOs and executives found that the digital transformation risk is their number one concern in 2019. However, 70% of the number of digital transformation initiatives failed to achieve their goals. Of the $1.3 trillion that was spent on digital transformation last year, an estimated $ 900 billion was wasted. Basically, if a leader lacks the right mindset to change and some of the existing organizations are still lacking, digital transformation will simply bloat those shortcomings. Here are FIVE important lessons that help leaders organize their companies successfully through digital transformations. Lesson 1: Find out

Myths And Reality When Becoming A New Leader

Even for outstanding individuals, the process of becoming a new leader is a constant and progressive learning process, but worthwhile. This transformation process is often much more difficult than reality due to the myths of these new managers about their roles. They may have some right concepts about how to become a manager. However, most of these concepts are simplistic and incomplete than reality. Since then, they are easily frustrated because their experiences on the management path are often much different from their original expectations. By recognizing these myths – some are sometimes mysteries that people are rumored to be