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Management – Leadership


3 Pieces Of Advice When Planning A Big Change In The Company

Currently, many businesses are starting to plan strategies by spending months searching for data, exploring the market to seek opportunities and challenges, thereby making appropriate plans. Successful strategies come primarily from the core development in productivity growth, merger, and acquisition processes in time, along with rational resource distribution, thereby boosting core productivity of the business. Here are 3 powerful shifts starting from the decisions of successful strategies. Acceptance needs to change reality instead of gaining consent The goal of most strategic discussions is usually to agree or reject a proposal that is brought to the meeting room. Suggestions for other

Workplace Transformation: Improving Toxic Work Cultures

A productive workforce starts with a healthy work environment. However, if there are signs of employees feeling intimidated, discouraged, stressed – it seems that the workplace has turned into a negative experience. While it’s the responsibility of everyone to contribute to a healthy environment where people are welcomed and comfortable, it’s crucial for leaders to build and maintain it by identifying and addressing issues of toxicity in their early stages. Otherwise, it could lead to poor performing workforce, diminishing productivity, and stagnant growth.  Understanding toxic work cultures While toxic work cultures are the result of various factors, toxicity can begin