The Role Of HR Leaders In Providing An Attractive Environment For The Future Workforce
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When readers think about the future of work, the reader’s perspective can be shaped by the emergence of technology that triggers a big battle among machines, people, and spread stories. The widespread transmission of self-driving cars, drones or more simply, is job loss. There is no doubt that the way we live our lives and how society is structured is undergoing many transformations.
Indeed, according to the 2018 PwC Survey with more than 1,200 business leaders and human resource leaders from 79 countries, there is a significant mismatch between what people want and their work experience. Survey results show that there are real and significant barriers for workers to be able to work effectively in the present and prepare for the future.
HR is part of the solution
HR leaders can play an important role in providing a good experience for everyone by addressing areas that PwC’s research has created the greatest expectation gap. These factors must be addressed as quickly as possible, and HR leaders must be creative in the way they build and revitalize businesses, promote and enable adaptability and start-up. internal employees and empowering employees through an independent working culture.
1. Understanding diversity
People always want to have truly personal work experience, reflecting on their own needs and aspirations. That requires HR leaders to have a deep understanding of their employees so they can create a genuine and comprehensive human experience. The transformation of new demographic and sociological norms is creating fundamental changes in the attitudes, expectations and aspirations of workers, but most corporations design a compliance process. fit everyone’s aspirations. Responding to employees’ wishes for authenticity will require companies to leverage the wealth of data they have to provide personalized experiences.
2. Become a time investor
For most employees, time is one of the most valuable resources. It is important for HR Leaders to invest this amount of time effectively. When companies and their employees focus on the short term, time becomes scarce resources and decisions must be made on the basis of trade-offs, thinking about whether to do something or not. This short-term perspective becomes a real problem when people need to learn new skills and adapt their behavior to this way of thinking. It is the HR leaders who can change this, by recognizing this urgency and meeting the needs of their employees to create a strong advantage for the organization.
3. Data application to analyze and improve employee experiences
In a recent interview, IBM’s global HR manager, Ms. Diane Gherson shared: “The future of human resources is an optimization to improve the speed of work, personalization, the democratization of the entire company to bring irresistible experiences to its employees”. Based on this vision, IBM took advantage of data collected from its own employees to find out the factors that influence employees’ expectations, such as their locations, salaries, skills and type of work. At IBM, this is a unique branch of HR, called Proactive Retention, to improve the company’s employees after facing the departure of a wide range of great talents. In the Proactive Retention department, data scientists, analysts and software engineers will transform raw input data into new experiences for employees such as utilizing machine learning to understand risk factors on the turnover rate. So far, the model has identified IBM’s reason for retiring, which has saved IBM nearly $ 300 million of sunk costs in replacing and training employees that quit early.
This new approach helps HR leaders become more proactive, by applying human intelligence to support more rational and engaging decision-making. Thereby promoting the role of HR to a new level, providing businesses with a more comprehensive solution to create the best experience for their employees on a global scale.
4. Become a bridge between theory and practice
The PwC survey findings emphasize a clear gap between the theory of personnel and how practical the programs are experienced by employees. It is important to narrow those gaps. To do so, HR leaders must ensure that initiatives aimed at demonstrating the future of everyone’s experience are consistent throughout the organization. That means, the HR leader is to discover and understand the unwritten rules of the business. Because organizations operate as a complex system including formal written rules and informal behaviors that occur under management supervision that the department needs to achieve.
5. Become a protector of a “good work” concept
When companies respond to changing technology and market conditions, many people find that design that requires work accidentally loses the elements that make up a perfect job. Therefore, HR’s role is to protect and maintain this great job concept. This means that they must trust people and give employees the freedom to decide the speed and order of completion. Designing a flexible job description and employee participation in the direction of this organization will help bring an important meaning to employees in the autonomy and purpose of working at their company.
In the present era, it is the HR leaders who can adjust the new reality, realize the urgency and meet the diverse needs and aspirations of employees that will create a strong advantage for the organization.
According to Strategy+Business
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