Coaching Culture – Why It Is So Good?
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“Coaching culture in the organization is now becoming a trend and interested by many businesses worldwide. This concept is proven to be effective for human management, thereby improving productivity and business performance. Businesses need to pay more attention to this method in human development strategy to be able to develop a sustainable business with people as the most valuable asset.
Coaching, not just guiding
Many of us still confuse the concept between Coaching and guiding, however, Coaching requires more ability and effort from both sides to be able to get the best results. Coaching is a collaborative process, accompanied by Coach and Coachee to unleash the potential, creativity, inspiration, thereby optimizing personal ability and professional skills in work as well as life. Accordingly, the Coaching Culture in the enterprise will emerge when the enterprise chooses it as an approach to strategically building their people development plan.
Coaching emphasizes the skills of seeking and listening, giving positive feedback versus simply giving directions or judgment. The feature of this process is the ability of the Coach to ask questions to find out the right problem from which to help the Coachee provide creative and suitable solutions. The comfort of exchange helps the two sides to come up with new ideas or initiatives, creating a space where they can challenge themselves and come up with more breakthrough solutions.

Coaching helps strengthen the engagement of leaders
Better leadership development through Coaching
According to the Global Leadership Forecast 2018, businesses that value the Coaching’s value achieve better results when developing leadership:
- In the digital age when every change takes place quickly, in response to these changes, it requires leaders to possess good leadership skills to lead the team. The Internal Coaching Program, especially between the various department leaders, or between the leader and the employee, will enhance your ability to solve problems, make decisions faster and more appropriately. Besides, businesses have more options to promote more leaders from within, instead of new recruits.
- With the Coaching program from external experts, senior leaders will have new perspectives, which will lead to significant improvements in business operations. Because the top leaders in the business can only listen to junior staff with their difficulties and then find out ways to overcome or guide employees to overcome. While they themselves do not have a mentor with a deeper understanding for them to continue to grow. It is also noted that businesses that apply for this program also have a lower leader turnover rate.

Coaching helps leaders have a new perspective
Building the Coaching Culture in the enterprise
It’s not just by providing a coaching program that businesses can achieve the coaching culture. Enterprises need first, determine the importance of Coaching in the HR strategy. Then determine the objectives of these coaching programs to create a system:
1. Integrating coaching into the staff development process: not only in providing courses, but businesses also need to further promote long-term coaching throughout the employee experience process. Do better even during the employee experience at the business. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a new employee, the right attention by providing them with appropriate training and coaching, you get the loyalty of your employees.
2. Develop leaders from all levels to become Coach: Set the target of “become a coach” in the performance evaluation system of managers and leaders. First-time managers and mid-level leaders are the ones who need to be coached the most, because they are new in terms of leadership and there are many things to learn, unlike those who are more senior. Focusing on coaching leaders in this position can be a good way for you to develop them for higher positions right in the business without losing new hiring costs. From there, reward them if they have good results and use their voices to continue sharing more about the value of Coaching.
3. Focus on personalizing the training programs: enterprises define the purpose, orientation, and upcoming positions of the employee, and set out suitable training programs for each individual. Each individual has a different need and different strengths and points to improve. It is not possible to apply a training program framework for everyone that needs to be personalized to get the most relevant results.
4. Always measure the effectiveness of coaching programs: Use data and performance results in the effective measurement to promptly make adjustments if any. We will not implement programs that do not bring good results. That’s why we always need to measure.

Measure the effectiveness of coaching
5. Internal or external coaches: The company needs to integrate several coaching methods such as internal and external. For employees, supervisors, and mid-level managers, they are suitable for internal coaching because Coaches can help them have a deeper perspective on culture and company specificity, through their own experience. For senior executives, external advisors are extremely necessary because, in the enterprise, they have taken a key position and have an overview of the business. Therefore, they need a new perspective from outside, especially experts, to be able to continue to explore the potential of their individuals and businesses.
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