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5 Unmistakable Qualities Of A Bad Manager And How To Deal With Them

Have you ever thought about employees who dreaded going to work because of a toxic boss?

What attributes do horrible bosses most often exhibit?

Our recent research showed the top 5 biggest mistakes that very bad bosses most commonly do and a couple of suggestions to motivate employees effectively and become great bosses.

   1. Behave as dictators

Great leadership is never about dictating their own vision and way of doing things. Leaders with a “my way or the highway” mentality won’t connect with their teams. Employees want to feel a sense of purpose around their work, that they are part of something larger than they are.

When they involve employees in decision-making, they boost morale and productivity and increase employee satisfaction. In many cases, they also build greater customer satisfaction and can more easily cut unnecessary costs. Plus, when employees are involved in solving a business challenge, they are more likely to accept the solution, because they have ownership in the outcome.

   2. Assign wrong tasks to the wrong people

Bad bosses are poor delegators and annoying micromanagers. What’s appropriate for them to delegate to their employees, and what’s not? Especially when they ask their employees to do simple tasks as in very basic duties that are part of their job, they are walking a thin line between what’s fair for them to do and what’s not.

Delegate the right tasks to the right people will need to fulfill the responsibility. Be clear about the time they have, the money they can spend, and the people they can call on to help them to do the job.

   3. Offer no sympathy for their employees’ mistakes

The lack of empathy is common among management, even though they do a great job. Being empathetic to employee situations is more than just being nice. Empathy can show employees they are sincerely valued, which can positively increase engagement and productivity, and even retention. Employees are more likely to stay somewhere they feel heard and understood.

When mistakes are made, take time to listen to the employee’s perspective. Sometimes, there are legitimate reasons things happen, and if they take the time to listen and empathize, they may be able to see the big picture more clearly and know how to proceed.

   4. Never recognizes their employees’ efforts

All great bosses know that employees need to feel appreciated. Nothing works better than positive reinforcement. Some research suggests they need to praise at least three times as much as they criticize to keep employees happy. Instead of being quick to criticize, be quick to point out some of the great things they see their employees doing.

This will not only reinforce these positive actions with the employees that performed them but also encourage other employees to do the same. Appreciation coupled with incentive rewards is a great morale and productivity booster. Even the slowest employee will work to the best of their ability if they know their efforts are appreciated.

   5. Put the customers way ahead of their employees

Their employees have the powerful energy to bring to their organization if they trust them enough to tap that fuel source. If they write job descriptions, set low KPIs because they think that their employees are merely responsible for fulfilling the tasks listed on their job descriptions.

If they empower their employees to use their excellent brains and hearts on the job, they will see them create breakthrough solutions, collaborate, and innovate far beyond what they could have imagined. They will create tremendous value for their company out of thin air – just by trusting yourself enough to trust the people they hire.

Therefore, take care of their employees, since treating them with respect, showing appreciation for their work, and being an encourager will create a desire in employees to also treat customers and clients well.


When employees have a good understanding of what is expected of them, given the tools and training to do their job, and are rewarded for doing a good job they become engaged with the organization and committed to helping it achieve its objectives.

Besides, when they communicate where the organization is going explains how what the employee does contributes to what they are trying to accomplish and allows employees to participate in organizational problem-solving efforts, they can create an environment that employees are proud of and enjoy working in.

According to HR Insider

>> View more: Are You A Dominance Or Prestige Boss? Finding The Balance To Become A Better Leader


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