Top 10 Emotional Intelligence Skills For Leaders To Improve Business Performance (Part 2)
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6. Self-regulation
Self-regulation is the EQ skill that typifies strong leaders. Leaders who can be aware of, and manage, their emotions communicate their message clearly and give others confidence in their leadership. Managers can build self-regulation by being aware of how they use and display emotion, paying attention to employee reactions, and asking questions to ensure their message was received clearly.
7. Ability to adapt to changes
Strong leaders must possess the ability to not only accept change but embrace it, knowing that without change there can be no progress. One way that we specifically try to encourage change is by seeking advice from employees of all levels in the company and asking them what they want to be changed. Then, we help them to lead and enact the change. We make embracing change a positive experience.
8. Relationship management
Many of us have heard that people don’t leave jobs, they leave supervisors. It’s no wonder then that relationship management is an emotional intelligence skill that goes with strong leadership. Being aware of the needs of ourselves and others and how to join them together to reach the needs of the company is a recipe for a healthy working relationship.
9. Assertiveness and compassion

Strong leaders know how to read a given situation and respond correctly. Some situations require assertiveness, while others require compassion. To improve in this area, managers should spend time studying personality types through DISC Assessment or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and engaging with people. Take time to read each situation carefully, while keeping the best interest of the employee in mind.
10. Practice calm

Lots of leaders are likely to be feeling anxious and stressed because of the crisis at a time when the need for them to be calm and able to think clearly is more important than ever. There are a number of things leaders can do to increase their ability to maintain composure under critical circumstances, including maintaining their own personal well-being (rest, hydration, movement), using facts to reframe difficult situations, and mastering self-awareness of feelings and opinions that may bias their mindsets.
Bottom line
When you take the responsibilities of a leader, heightening your emotional intelligence is one of the best investments you can make for yourself and your organization. Being smart is not enough. If you cannot manage yourself well, your technical expertise is compromised, and team morale goes down. Mastering the ten skills above and you will be the leader who inspires others, boosting morale and thus increasing productivity and employee performance.
>>> Go back and read Part 1 to explore countless benefits of emotional intelligence abilities in the workplace and the 5 first skills that leaders should have to increase the performance of the business.
According to Forbes
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