The Importance Of Coaching And Mentoring (Part 2)
5 yearsago 0 Comments 2.3k Views
Benefits of coaching and mentoring

1. Benefits to the learner
- Personal and professional development: as previously mentioned, these approaches give focused attention to the aspect of training and development. When employees are coached or mentored, they build and enhance valuable skills, knowledge, and expertise that can improve their individual performance as a whole and promote their personal and professional career growth.
- Establish and act towards achieving goals: coaching/mentoring allows the individual to define their career goals in a realistic way. These goals are often centered around two aspects of one’s career, which are skill-building and professional development. With his/her guidance, they can set goals and work hard towards them, bringing greater possibilities of attaining goals and success as well.
- Develop a good relationship with the supervisor: the learners will feel supported and encouraged to reach their full potential by their manager and the company. This fosters trust with the coach/mentor, leading to a good relationship between two parties and increasing overall employee experience and commitment.

2. Benefits to the coach/mentor
- Improve personal skills: assisting and guiding other individuals gives the coach/mentor the opportunity to practice and enhance their interpersonal knowledge and skills such as leadership, problem-solving, or strategic analysis, etc. It also allows them to reflect on their approaches so as to adapt or improve for future coaching/mentoring opportunities.
- Strengthen professional relationships with staff and colleagues: When providing/receiving assistance and help to/from others, humans often feel obliged to give back what they receive, which is known as the principle of reciprocity. A dedicated, genuine coach/mentor will earn loyalty and support from their followers and get them to stay committed to them as well as the company.
- Provide satisfaction: Through supporting the development of others and receiving respect from them, the coach/mentor can also enhance job satisfaction as well as their self-esteem.
3. Benefits to the organization
- Greater employee retention: employees leave their jobs for many reasons, such as poor relationships with their employers and/or colleagues, lack of opportunities for advancement, or unhealthy work culture, etc. However, a supportive and collaborative environment where the better of individuals and organization as a whole is of significance will surely keep staff morale high and turnover low.
- Greater skilled workforce: as coaching/mentoring revolves around developing a personal and professional skill set, this results in a skilled, high-performing workforce and acts as a competitive advantage for that company, guaranteeing overall success.
- Team efficiency: on top of developing employees, coaching and mentoring can also improve the communication and function of the team, department and the entire organization.
- Strengthen company culture and ethics: an empowered, better workforce and a healthy environment with clear goals, values, and mutual trust definitely help establish and improve company culture.
Mentoring and coaching approaches yield significant benefits to an organization and its people in terms of personal and professional development, higher job satisfaction, and a productive, high-performing workforce, making the organization an ideal workplace for everyone. As such, it’s imperative for companies to adopt these approaches as soon as possible and incorporate them as a regular practice in the organizational system.
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>>> Go back and read Part 1 to have a clear understanding of the differences between coaching and mentoring.
According to Phrenimos + Brefi Group
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