Identify And Overcome Work-related Stress
2 yearsago 0 Comments 1.5k Views
Work-related stress can lead to a lot of problems, like not being able to focus, being less creative, and reduced group cohesion. Therefore, controlling your ability to deal with stress is very important to keep the team growing and doing well.
Identify factors that cause work-related stress

The first step to take is to identify common stress factors at work. 3E-IP Test points out 04 common stress tolerance including:
- Interpersonal aspects
- Workload
- Gap between ideals and reality
- Evaluation by other
Solution to reduce stress at work
By identifying the cause of stress, you can find suitable solutions to overcome this situation.
Stress due to interpersonal aspects

Employees who have a low level of stress tolerance in interpersonal aspects are easily stressed when having to do jobs that require constant interaction with others or conveying and explaining ideas to others. Here are some suggested solutions that can help team members improve their communication:
- Create conditions for team members to comfortably voice their concerns and thoughts by organizing meetings and one-on-one meetings.
- Presenting ideas in many forms such as diagrams, tables or images helps convey the message more clearly.
Stress due to workload
Employees have a low level of stress tolerance in terms of workload and are easily pressured when undertaking jobs that require many responsibilities and large workloads. Some solution ideas presented below can assist team members in improving this issue:
- Organize soft skills training courses for employees so they can practice working skills under pressure such as: Planning skills, Emotional management skills,…
- If the employee is not capable of handling a large workload, they can appoint a mentor to support or gradually increase the workload over time.
Stress problem due to gap between ideals and reality:
Employees are easily pressured when things happen differently from their expectations and ideals. To help team members increase their tolerance for the gap between ideals and reality, you can refer to some of the following suggested solutions:
- Plan with specific, measurable goals that are appropriate to the capabilities of team members.
- Complete the plan in stages, both complete and continue work and confirm the progress of that plan according to timelines.
Stress problems caused by others’ evaluations:
Employees have a low tolerance to stress from others’ comments/evaluations, tend to pay attention to the evaluations of those around them, and have a high level of desire to be recognized. Here are some suggestions for team members when working with individuals who are experiencing stress due to the comments and judgments of others:
- Create small incentives for milestones in completing important goals or overcoming difficult challenges.
- Compliment members by texting, emailing, or speaking directly to them about their strengths and progress

Above are some suggested solutions to help you manage team members’ stress tolerance. Depending on the circumstance, there are a variety of stress-reduction strategies. We hope that the suggestions we’ve made will lead to improved morale and productivity among your group’s members.